Module: PROMIS Pain Interference - Short Form 8a

QuestionCDE Long NameCDE
How much did pain interfere with your day to day activities?PROMIS Adult Short Form 8a Pain Interference v1.0 PAININ9 1 Past 7 Days How Much Did Pain Interfere with Day to Day Activity Score 5 Point Scale4633451
How much did pain interfere with work around the home?PROMIS Adult Short Form 8a Pain Interference v1.0 PAININ22 2 Past 7 Days How Much Did Pain Interfere with Work Around the Home Score 5 Point Scale4633452
How much did pain interfere with your ability to participate in social activities?PROMIS Adult Short Form 8a Pain Interference v1.0 PAININ31 3 Past 7 Days How Much Did Pain Interfere with Ability to Participate in Social Activities Score 5 Point Scale4633454
How much did pain interfere with your household chores?PROMIS Adult Short Form 8a Pain Interference v1.0 PAININ34 4 Past 7 Days How Much Did Pain Interfere with Household Chores Score 5 Point Scale4633458
How much did pain interfere with the things you usually do for fun?PROMIS Adult Short Form 8a Pain Interference v1.0 PAININ12 5 Past 7 Days How Much Did Pain Interfere with Things Usually Done for Fun Score 5 Point Scale4633456
How much did pain interfere with your enjoyment of social activities?PROMIS Adult Short Form 8a Pain Interference v1.0 PAININ36 6 Past 7 Days How Much Did Pain Interfere with Enjoyment of Social Activities Score 5 Point Scale4633457
How much did pain interfere with your enjoyment of life?PROMIS Adult Short Form 8a Pain Interference v1.0 PAININ3 7 Past 7 Days How Much Did Pain Interfere with Enjoyment of Life Score 5 Point Scale4633455
How much did pain interfere with your family life?PROMIS Adult Short Form 8a Pain Interference v1.0 PAININ13 8 Past 7 Days How Much Did Pain Interfere with Family Life Score 5 Point Scale4633471