Date of Birth | Birth Date | 2201154 |
Age | Patient Age Year Count | 2185960 |
Gender | Gender Code | 2179640 |
Does the participant consider him- or herself to be Hispanic/Latino | Person Hispanic or Latino Ethnicity Coded Indicator | 2618889 |
Indicate the group that represents his or her Hispanic origin or ancestry | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Ethnicity Unique Identifier Codes | 2200284 |
What race does the participant consider him or herself to represent | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Race Unique Identifier Code | 2200286 |
Other Pacific Islander specify | Other Pacific Islander Race Category Specify | 3009541 |
Other Asian specify | Other Asian Race Category Specify | 3009539 |
Some other race specify | Patient Race Specify | 2001701 |
What is the highest grade or level of school the participant has completed or the highest degree they have received | Person Education Level Type | 2674076 |
We would like to know about what the participant does --is he/she working now, looking for work, retired, keeping house, a student, or what | Current Employment Status | 2003074 |
Other, specify | Current Employment Description Specify | 2199707 |
Is the participant married, widowed, divorced, separated, never married, or living with a partner | Marital Status Description Type | 2001707 |